SDX expands exotics options
SuperDerivatives is capitalising on increased risk appetite for exotic options with the launch of new correlation products on its multi-asset pricing system, SDX, in the first quarter of 2011.
Digital Vega launches multibank FX options trading platform
LONDON - Digital Vega has become one of the first vendors to fill a gap in the market for a multi-bank forex options trading platform, with the launch of Medusa last week.
Trading Places, November 22, 2010
Read this week's Trading Places to catch up on people moves across the FX world.
Second flash crash inevitable
A second flash crash is inevitable while there is no consistency in the rules at exchanges, said delegates at the FX Week Europe congress in London last Tuesday (November 16).
Tullett Prebon emerges as FX broker powerhouse
Tullett Prebon has eclipsed the competition in the best broker category, coming first in currency options, emerging markets and forwards FX.
BGC's forex revenues rise in Q3
BGC Partners reported a 24% rise in brokerage revenues from foreign exchange to $44.4 million in the third quarter versus the same period last year, it announced last week.
Banks announce renminbi product firsts
HONG KONG & DUBAI – HSBC and Standard Chartered announced a number of firsts last week, as they try to take a lead role in the growth of the offshore renminbi market.
Forex volumes up in September
LONDON & CHICAGO - Electronic brokers reported a year-on-year rise in trading volumes in September, reflecting a renewed appetite for risk.
HSBC FXPB preps Asia push
HONG KONG - HSBC plans to extend FX prime services to the Asian markets as it looks to take advantage of rising demand for prime brokerage in the region.
SuperDerivatives releases SDX
LONDON - SuperDerivatives is migrating customers to its new multi-asset front-office system, SDX, on October 10, David Gershon, chief operating officer at SuperDerivatives in London has told FX Week.
GFI Fenics in end-to-end FX options automation
GFI Group aims to transform the electronic FX options business by automating the entire workflow process of pricing, risk management, bilateral trading, structuring and sales, through version 12.1 of Fenics Professional.
FX - After the trade is made: the future of the CLS relationship
How will CLS fare as new regulations take hold? Olaf Ransome, director at forex operations consultancy, 3C Advisory in Zurich examines the future for the FX infrastructure
BMo shakes up London FX
LONDON - Bank of Montreal Capital Markets (BMo) has reorganised its FX business, seeing the return of Lorne Gavsie, managing director in FX, to Toronto from London.
Deutsche Bank enhances Autobahn FX for FXO
LONDON - Deutsche Bank has built out its trading capabilities for forex options on electronic trading platform Autobahn FX, as competition for electronic business moves to the options market.
Global forex growth on the up
GLOBAL - Global foreign exchange growth increased this year from October 2009, as investor confidence in the FX market has returned following the global financial crisis, despite concerns over the eurozone.
Euro decline continues
LONDON - The euro hit a four-year low against the dollar last Friday (June 4), sparking a rise in options prices as the unit edges further towards the 1.2000 barrier.
Tullett Prebon extends post-trade with Thomson Reuters
LONDON - Thomson Reuters is capturing a larger slice of the post-trade market for forex derivatives, through a deal extension with Tullett Prebon.
SmartTrade bows OTC pricing tool
French trading systems vendor SmartTrade will this week announce a new component to its liquidity management system for dealers to distribute customised prices on over-the-counter instruments to clients.
Traders prep for more euro troubles
LONDON - Options markets are pricing in further euro downside risk, despite expectations a multibillion euro bailout package for Greece will be unveiled soon.
In Brief, May 3, 2010
What's going on in the FX technology sector.
Traders position for yen weakness
LONDON - The close of the Japanese financial year sparked a flurry of activity at options desks last week, as speculators and hedgers bought USD/JPY calls with expectations for the yen to continue its losing streak versus the greenback.
Greek bailout fails to inspire FX traders
The Greek bailout fails to appease forex traders
SuperDerivatives builds out exotic options
SuperDerivatives adds to its exotic options offering.