Central banks
Renminbi swap line expected to boost CNH liquidity
The recent agreement on a swap line between the UK and China will be a positive step for the nascent offshore renminbi market, although questions remain over how it will work
IMF gives its verdict on Abenomics
Article IV statement gives ringing endorsement to QQE in Japan; says ‘spillovers' may have adverse near-term effect on neighbours, but will be offset by benefits of economic strength in Japan
France leads eurozone in Chinese renminbi payments
Aims to promote Paris as an international hub for the renminbi are paying off, as France sees a 249% increase in yuan-denominated transactions
Bank of England swap line expected to fuel RMB growth
The creation of a swap line with the People's Bank of China should lead to greater confidence in the offshore renminbi market, according to traders and strategists
Perception of EM risk reduced by central bank safety net - investors
Large foreign exchange reserves held by emerging market central banks makes investing in those countries attractive, say panellists at FX Invest Europe
Bank of England to establish RMB swap line
Ten months after the UK government launched an initiative to make London a centre for offshore renminbi business, the Bank of England has started much-anticipated discussions over a renminbi swap line
Could FX volumes bounce back in 2013?
As the central bank FX committees prepare to publish their semi-annual turnover surveys today, trading volumes are expected to have remained depressed in October 2012, but many now expect a recovery in volumes this year
SNB to open Singapore branch to support FX activity
Swiss central bank has diversified its reserves into a number of Asian currencies in recent years and will open an office in Singapore by mid-year
Saxo Bank on the yen's decline
John Hardy, global head of FX strategy at Saxo Bank shares his views on the G-3 currencies
Bank of England FX committee hears corporate concerns
Rolls-Royce's assistant treasurer presented at the last meeting of the central bank's FX industry committee on the impact of derivatives regulation on non-financial companies
FX committees prepare for platform proliferation
Monitoring trading volumes in the foreign exchange market is an important priority for the central bank-sponsored FX committees, but if liquidity fragments across a handful of new trading platforms, could that analysis become more difficult? Miriam Siers…
Central banks turn to RMB assets
Central banks in Asia are diversifying their holdings into RMB, marking the latest stage in the currency’s internationalisation
Swiss franc expected to retrace its fall as ECB news sinks in
The euro rallied against the Swiss franc for the first time in six months after yesterday’s announcement of new measures from the ECB, but FX strategists expect it to fall back towards 1.20
Del Missier renews pressure on BoE over Libor scandal
Former chief operating officer of Barclays Bank says he was told instruction to submit lower Libor rates came from Bank of England; directly contradicts Bob Diamond’s testimony
HFT adds value to the forex market, says Bank of England
While the effects of high-frequency trading activity should continue to be monitored, the practice adds value to the FX market, a senior Bank of England official has argued
BoE’s King says eurozone is ‘tearing itself apart’
Latest Inflation Report from the Bank of England lowers growth estimates for the economy; King says situation in eurozone continues to put pressure on the UK
Reserve managers cling to the dollar but shun the euro, survey finds
Many central banks have reduced their holdings of euro reserves and looked to diversify into non-traditional currencies as a result of the ongoing eurozone crisis
Currency floor breach raises questions over SNB policy
The Swiss National Bank should consider enlisting the help of top-tier banks to keep EUR/CHF above 1.20, forex traders suggest
China and Australia sign A$30bn currency swap
Australia joins the ranks of central banks with a bilateral currency swap line with China; reflects increased use of renminbi and closer trading ties between the countries
Central bank's credibility was vital to introducing minimum rate, says SNB’s Schlegel
The decision by the Swiss central bank to introduce a minimum rate to the euro last September was possible because of the SNB’s credibility, says the central bank’s head of foreign exchange and gold
Hildebrand scandal leaves Swissie expectations broadly unchanged
Swiss National Bank expected to hold EUR/CHF floor following governor's resignation, but an increase from 1.20 might now be delayed
AUDIO: The Enronisation of Europe
Nick Beecroft, senior markets consultant at Saxo Bank, discusses the weaknesses in the EU bailout package, and the broader implications of a Greek referendum on the Eurozone
Intervention: friend or foe?
If the trend is your friend, is central bank intervention your enemy? The answer is not so clear cut, say Christopher Cruden and Purnur Schneider, not least because of the breadth of interventions, which challenges attempts at uniform analysis
Iranian public votes to switch currency name from rial to parsi
Early indicators from a survey on currency reform show Iranian public favours a change in the Iranian currency's name and denomination, senior official tells Central Banking, FX Week's sister publication