Striking a balance on pricing
FX platform pricing models have come under fire, with calls to reduce or abandon fixed costs, but how should platforms seek to get the balance right?
FX platforms encouraged to consider liquidity enhancing pricing models
A proposal made to the FX Joint Standing Committee in July 2012 for a per-order fee that is rebated in proportion to actual executed volume has garnered support among market participants
Russia's ruble expected to become major currency by 2015
Market participants are bullish about the ability of the ruble to quickly penetrate the group of top global currencies, but settlement issues remain the biggest obstacle
FX markets in mid-year lull as yen volatility dries up
The yen has become more range-bound following its dramatic fall earlier in the year, creating a lull in FX market activity during the western summer weeks
Thomson Reuters reduces price granularity in three currencies
Mexican peso, South African rand and Russian ruble are now priced at a minimum tick size of five pips rather than single pips, taking Thomson Reuters Matching a step further away from decimalisation
Relationship management head to leave CLS
Steve Scully is leaving CLS in New York, where he had worked since 2010, and will join ParFX
Flight from EUR/USD leads to record low volume on EBS
Summer downtime and poor dollar performance combine to give EBS its worst set of figures for seven years
FX platform pricing needs a rethink, say banks
Greater transparency on fees at some new trading platforms is a welcome development, with banks calling on incumbent platforms to rethink their fixed costs, as well as the discounts they offer to incentivise volume
Integral sought investment from EBS, court documents reveal
During preliminary talks, EBS chief executive refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which would have prevented it from hiring Integral executives, according to testimony in the legal battle between Integral and its co-founder, Viral Tolat
Integral pursues lawsuit against former CTO and co-founder
In a long-running case between Integral and Viral Tolat, its co-founder and now chief technology officer at EBS, Integral alleges Tolat misappropriated its trade secrets
Liquidity mirage continues in FX, despite platform efforts
Several FX trading platforms have taken steps to prevent price flashing and other disruptive practices, but some participants remain concerned about the quality of liquidity that is shown by platforms and aggregators
FX Week USA: CLS expansion will be key to EM currency growth
EBS is 'holding its breath' for the ruble to be added to CLS, but regulatory affairs head cautions the addition of new currencies will take time
FX Week USA: Speed bumps not the way forward for platforms
The use of randomisation to effectively insert a speed bump into incoming orders on platforms is dismissed by panellists at New York conference
E-FX Awards: Coming full circle in technology
Traiana, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, EBS and Citi's Jeff Feig are among the winners of the 2013 e-FX awards, which recognise excellence and innovation in FX technology
Best professional e-trading venue: EBS
EBS wins the award in recognition of the thought leadership role it has taken in FX execution over the past year, which has won the support of many of the platform's users
EBS Direct on-target for full launch, says Icap
Beta testing has been successful and the new disclosed liquidity pool will be fully rolled out later this year, says Michael Spencer
Traiana COO joins EBS as head of sales
The position of global head of sales is filled by Gerard Varjacques, who joined Traiana from SunGard in 2011
Aggregation hampered by predatory execution
New aggregation guidelines from EBS could help to increase transparency of aggregation, but the relationship between liquidity makers and takers remains strained
EBS takes aim at maligned aggregation practices
Icap’s EBS is setting out new best practices on aggregation and will only connect to aggregators that adhere to them, as it seeks to further overhaul the experience of its liquidity consumers
Consensus lacking on optimal length for randomised pause
The concept of applying a randomised pause to FX trades as a means of deterring disruptive behaviour has garnered support from the users of both EBS and ParFX. But how long should the pause be in order to be effective but not damaging to genuine…
EBS Direct begins beta testing with four liquidity providers
Icap's push into disclosed FX liquidity takes a further step as EBS Direct enters beta testing
EBS veteran Faulkner joins Integral
Technology vendor's hire of David Faulkner reverses flow of staff from Integral to EBS
Banks welcome EBS latency floor
EBS consults on a new approach it hopes will reduce the advantage of super-fast trading algorithms
EBS and Moscow Exchange unveil plans for dollar-ruble fix
EBS says venture comes in response to market concerns about methodology of existing rate