HSBC kicks off currency options market in Bangladesh
Emerging market in derivatives build-up
FPL eyes latency standards
New measures deliberated
BoAML shakes it up for 2010
BoAML internal shuffle
FXall realigns with LavaFX acquisition
FXall outlines ambitions following LavaFX acquisition
Credit Suisse wins one, loses one
Credit Suisse people moves
Demand for salespeople continues at major banks
Banks still hiring in FX sales
Trading Places 11.1.10
Collection of trading places
BNP Paribas hiring aggressively in FX
BNP Paribas continues hiring spree.
UBS grows home and away
UBS hires three in Zurich and Singapore.
Morgan Stanley tempts two from JP Morgan
Morgan Stanley continues its hiring spree.
End users get initial support in derivatives ruling
WASHINGTON, DC – The US House of Representatives voted last Thursday (December 10) on amendments detailing significant changes to proposed over-the-counter derivatives legislation, which could favour corporate end users of derivatives.
Integral rolls out hosted services
Vendor targets systematic traders
Icap opens up prime model
Broker responds to demand for prime brokerage
Credit Suisse live with Traiana Harmony NetLink
Dealer expands retail brokerage services