Currency Derivatives
Ten dealers sign up for India's FX CCP
CCIL soft launches with group of early adopters
GFI upgrades Fenics options pricing platform
Brokers extends options coverage
Sennik quits Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse loses top FX options trader Chetan Sennik.
The forex clearing debate continues
Saima Farooqi asks how likely it is that fx swaps and forwards will be swept up in the OTC derivatives reforms.
South Korea restricts FX derivatives trades
South Korea announces new restrictions on forex derivatives trades in response to corporate losses
Global banks cause pricing bother in Asia
SINGAPORE - A change in foreign exchange options pricing convention by global banks is making it difficult for regional dealers to compete, according to Elliott Hann, head of sales in the data and analytics group at GFI.
Smaller funds dead set on futures
A growing number of small fund managers are strongly considering switching out of forwards and into exchange-traded products to access the market for hedging and speculative purposes