Natasha Rega-Jones
Natasha is a London-based reporter on FX Markets. She studied Politics at the University of Warwick, also serving as senior editor of the press team at Warwick Congress. She graduated in 2018.
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Articles by Natasha Rega-Jones
How the top 50 liquidity providers tackle last look
Uneven disclosure practices are making life difficult for agency algos and ECN trading
Six big FX market-makers call for end to last look
Citadel Securities, Jump and Virtu among those repudiating controversial practice
FX last look: how non-banks stack up
Research shows patchy disclosures plus differences from banks on pre-hedging and rejected orders
Dealers issue rallying cry for cross-currency benchmark reform
Global banks need to drive new standards for multi-rate swaps, say leading industry execs at Risk Live
How publishers are still falling short on Mifid II post-trade data
Four publishers yet to align post-trade data format with Q&A issued eight months ago
Brexit clouds future for Euribor and Eonia in UK
Clashing deadlines threaten to scuttle rates, but ‘in-flight files’ bill might save them
Libor to become third-country benchmark under no-deal Brexit
UK-based reference rate would need to gain EU approval by end-2019 to avoid “unthinkable” disruption