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FX Spot+: expanding liquidity access to OTC traders

CME Group FX futures volumes and participation have grown in recent years to rival or exceed many leading over-the-counter (OTC) FX venues.

The firm will launch FX Spot+, an all-to-all spot FX marketplace on April 13, which will translate futures liquidity into spot terms with the aim of expanding liquidity access to OTC traders, bringing the FX market together.

Paul Houston, global head of FX products at CME Group, discusses the rationale behind the launch of FX Spot+ and what the market can expect from CME Group in the future. 

00:32 – What is FX Spot+ and who is it for?

01:34 – How does FX Spot+ work?

03:12 – Does the market need another spot venue?

04:09 – What factors are driving growth in FX futures and FX Link?

06:10 – How do you expect the road map for FX Spot+ to evolve?

Read more on the launch of FX Spot+

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